
Sims 4 bodies - extracted by Sintiklia

Sims 4 bodies

So, I extracted bodies from Sims 4, don’t ask me how - it is a bit complicated and can crash your demo of you will click something wrong(And also you can not them replace and import in s4pe, so i will wait normalplug in for extracting and replacing.). Here are bodies from Sims 4+textures. 

You can see some differency between S3 and S4 male mannequins.

I put S4 hair with preview, I didn’t include it in archive.

Skintones are with underwear as I extracted, maybe S4 doesn’t want to have nude skintones( or maybe they will be in full game), but creators will paint normal skins :P

I convert them as obj, so you can open them in different 3d programms.

Tag me on tumblr if you will use them, i would like to see some retextures or modifications:)

About clothing and hairs I need to say that clothing detached into a few pieces, as example jacket has about 7 groups( in Sims 3 we saw that we have 2 or 3 groups maximum…)

Hairs have 4 LOds and as example I extracted this short hair with bangs and noticed that it detached into 3 parts every LOds. I show only Very High LOD and move parts a bit to show them.

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I opened comments again. Sorry if I am not answered, sometimes I am busy and can't answer. Thanks for every comment. It make me happy and gives me inspiration for next creation. Comments are only for registred, open-id users(SPAM is the main reason)