
Female hair Prom for Sims 3 by Sintiklia

Format: sims3pack/package
2 variants with flowers and without
Flowers have 4 channels(recolorable)
With thumbnails in CAS
In category hair with hat
Meshes fully made by me.
Sims made by me.
Please don't reupload my creations and please give the link to the new or to TSR!
If you can't download from adf.ly or filesharing system please write comment!
Thanks all creators, which content I used.

10.04.14. Fixed assigning in high lod on flower. Changed CAS priority for no-bugs with transparent cloth. TSR(sims3pack)(will be changed to fixed version 11.04.14)
VK(package)(10.04.14 fixed)

4 комментария:

  1. Красота какая, прелесть!!!Алена, ты умница!!

  2. Просто восхитительная прическа!!!)
    Очень романтичная))) Так нравятся эти кудряшки)))))
    Конечно же забираю)

    1. Спасибо, Alga! Рада что тебе понравилась)


I opened comments again. Sorry if I am not answered, sometimes I am busy and can't answer. Thanks for every comment. It make me happy and gives me inspiration for next creation. Comments are only for registred, open-id users(SPAM is the main reason)